Integration Module Exception Logging


Exception logging now comes standard out of the box for the integration module.

The information contained in this article applies to version and later.

By default, logging is disabled. Logging can be disabled in two ways:

  1. Remove the logLevel attribute (default)
  2. Explicitly disable by setting logLevel to Off

Logging can be enabled by adding the following attribute to the siteseeker section in the Web.config:

<siteseeker logLevel="Debug">

The value of logLevel can be one of the following:

  • Off
  • Debug
  • Info
  • Warn
  • Error
  • Fatal

By default, log entries are written to the file SiteSeeker.log. This file name can be changed by adding the following attribute to the siteseeker section in the Web.config:

<siteseeker logFile="CustomName.txt">