Timeouts in .NET module


Since version of our .NET module it's possible to configure the different sets of timeouts that are used during communication with the SiteSeeker server.

The following timeouts are available:

  • WcfCloseTimeout (Closing connections)
  • WcfOpenTimeout (Opening connections)
  • WcfReceiveTimeout (Data receive timeout)
  • WcfSendTimeout (Data send timeout)

Default value for all timeouts are set to 1 minute.
Timeouts can configured on per index basis in your web.config like:

The time format is hh:mm:ss

<add name="defaultTimeouts" displayName="the example index" url="http://siteseeker-knowledgebase.siteseeker.se/ws/siteseeker-knowledgebase" userName="ws" password=""></add>    
<add name="configuredTimeouts" displayName="the example index" url="http://siteseeker-knowledgebase.siteseeker.se/ws/siteseeker-knowledgebase" userName="ws" password="" wcfSendTimeout="0:0:20" wcfOpenTimeout="0:0:20" wcfCloseTimeout="0:0:20" wcfReceiveTimeout="0:0:20"></add>