

Söksidan, EPiServer

SiteSeeker gives you the possibility to customise the search experience for different users. For example, you can use the access control system of your CMS to manage which search results are displayed for a given user.

User needs

On intranets especially, there is often a need to control the display of the results list so that a user can only view what he or she is entitled to access. It can also be desirable to guide the display of the search result based on other criteria, for example where the user is located geographically while performing the search.


SiteSeeker for EPiServer contains advanced access control functionality for EPiServer.
The access control lists for all indexed objects are stored in the SiteSeeker index and SiteSeeker for EPiServer will let EPiServer authenticate the user, making it possible to do very efficient and secure filtering within SiteSeeker.

The same technology can be used for other types of personalisation, where the information in meta tags on web pages and documents are indexed by SiteSeeker and the logic in the search page can determine which user gets to view which search result.


Currently, access control is only functional in SiteSeeker for EPiServer, not in the template search page or in SiteSeeker for SiteVision.