Search query API


Searching with the new SiteSeeker .NET API has been made very simple and we will continue to develop the API to ensure that you will have the best search experience possible while using the API.

This article describes the search API and some of the most common search patterns.

The .NET Search API

The Search API can be seen through the class SearchIndex which exposes methods to search with, namely:

public SearchResponse Search(string searchPageName, string userQuery, params SearchRequest[] searchRequests)
searchPageName The search page name this query originates from
userQuery The user query specified from the input from user
searchRequests The search requests for this query

In order for your statistics to make sense, you will need to specify the page or area that you are searching from. It is a logical name which will be utilised in your stastistics.

The user query is the query that the end user has specified. Note that you can as a developer specify your own search query in the static query property of the search request.

The searchRequestsparameter is an optional parameter. In most instances, you will want to control the search more than just relying on the user input. You can create a searchRequestobject and set the properties as you see fit e.g the static query field.

You will be able to conduct multiple search requests at the same time, and therefore the API allows for multiple searchRequestobjects to be passed in.